School Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Senior Leadership Team (ID 1204)
Mrs ThomasPrincipal
Mrs Thomas
Mrs AndertonVice Principal
Mrs Anderton
Mr SherratAssistant Principal & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Sherrat
Mr GrayHead of Sixth Form
Mr Gray
Mrs Murphy-LongBehaviour Lead
Mrs Murphy-Long
Mrs McSweeneyBehaviour Lead & Designated Teacher for Children in Care
Mrs McSweeney
Mrs SewellChief Finance Officer
Mrs Sewell
Teaching Staff
English & Drama Faculty
Maths & Business Faculty
Science & Computing Faculty
RE & Personal Development Faculty
Humanities/MFL & Social Sciences Faculty
The Arts, PE & Technology Faculty
Heads of Year
Heads of Year (ID 1211)
Mr WestYear 7
Mr West
Mr InnesYear 8 HOY
Mr Innes
Mrs SmythYear 9 HOY
Mrs Smyth
Miss GlassYear 10 HOY
Miss Glass
Pastoral Team
Pastoral Team (ID 1212)
Mrs Murphy LongBehaviour Lead
Mrs Murphy Long
Mrs McSweeneyBehaviour Lead & Designated Teacher for Children in Care
Mrs McSweeney
Mrs MooreFamily Support Worker & Attendance Officer
Mrs Moore
Mr Dowling-ConnellLearning Mentor
Mr Dowling-Connell
Miss JolliffeLearning mentor
Miss Jolliffe
Mrs MurphyLearning Mentor
Mrs Murphy
Mr MessamLearning Mentor
Mr Messam
Ms PaulLearning Mentor
Ms Paul
SEND Team (ID 1214)
Miss KinghamSENDCo
Miss Kingham
Mrs DeveyAssistant SENDCo
Mrs Devey
Miss BoughtflowerIntervention Support Assistant
Miss Boughtflower
Karen ColpittsIntervention Support Assistant
Karen Colpitts
Mrs ElliotIntervention Support Assistant
Mrs Elliot
Mr KhalifaIntervention Support Assistant
Mr Khalifa
Mrs LukowskaIntervention Support Assistant
Mrs Lukowska
Miss MoretonIntervention Support Assistant
Miss Moreton
Miss RichardsIntervention Support Assistant
Miss Richards
Miss WarnerIntervention Support Assistant
Miss Warner
Mr WillisIntervention Support Assistant
Mr Willis
Admin Team
Admin Staff (ID 1038)
Mrs WhiteExecutive PA & HR Manager
Mrs White
Mrs HinesOffice Manager
Mrs Hines
Ms BrownlieAdministration Assistant
Ms Brownlie
Mrs HarrisonAdministration Assistant
Mrs Harrison
Mrs JohnstoneReceptionist
Mrs Johnstone
Miss WaiteExamination Officer
Miss Waite
Mrs WalkerFinance Assistant
Mrs Walker
Mrs WayCareers Lead
Mrs Way
Technician’s (ID 1216)
Mr SinclairIT Technician
Mr Sinclair
Mr AmejiIT Technician
Mr Ameji
Mr WainwrightIT Technician
Mr Wainwright
Mrs BindleyArt & Food Technician
Mrs Bindley
Mr BoardTechnology Technician
Mr Board
Mrs ChapmanScience Technician
Mrs Chapman
Mrs ReadScience Technician
Mrs Read
Miss WhaleSenior Science Technician
Miss Whale
Apprentices (ID 1217)
Miss LeedhamApprentice Trainee Teacher
Miss Leedham
Miss PrattApprentice Trainee Teacher
Miss Pratt
Miss MooreApprentice Trainee Teacher
Miss Moore
Site Services Team
Site Team (ID 1203)
Mr MaddenCaretaker
Mr Madden
Mr MartinCaretaker
Mr Martin
Mrs StrachanCleaning Operative
Mrs Strachan
Mr LockhartCleaning Operative
Mr Lockhart