School Uniform
At St Thomas More we are proud of our uniform, as it sets us apart from the other local schools, and all students here are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times.
School uniform can be purchased from the Schoolwear Centre in Nuneaton town centre or visit their website here. Alternatively, items such as trousers, shoes and shirts can be sourced from other retailers at a cheaper cost.
We also have a uniform shop in school which consists of items in good condition that have been donated to the school which we can provide for students at no cost. Please contact us for more information about this option.
All students are required to co-operate with the school uniform policy below.
Black knee-length school skirt with school badge on (ONLY available from The Schoolwear Centre). There is a choice of two specific styles. Where skirts are persistently not worn of the appropriate length or style, an alternative mid-calf length skirt will be provided by the school or students will be told to wear trousers. No lycra or stretchy skirts are permitted. School skirts must be worn with tights.
Black tailored. Tight fitted, skinny fit, jeggings or leggings will NOT be allowed. Cropped trousers are not permitted.
Plain white with collar which button up to the top.
School Blazer (optional)
Maroon with school badge on top pocket (ONLY available from The Schoolwear Centre)
If students choose to not wear the school blazer, they are required to wear a maroon school jumper with school badge (ONLY available from The Schoolwear Centre).
Black formal shoes suitable for school wear. Any form of trainer is not permitted in school to wear as a school shoe. Informal shoes such as canvas pumps, trainers or sports shoes are not allowed. Black boots may only be worn if under trousers. Boots of any description are not permitted to be worn with a skirt. All shoes/boots must be flat, not heeled.
Black socks must be worn with trousers.
Black (with skirt).
All students must wear a school tie (ONLY available from The Schoolwear Centre)
A maximum of one stud in each ear only; a signet ring; a chain with cross, crucifix or religious medal may be worn inside the shirt. No body/facial piercings or body art allowed e.g. nose studs/rings.
Make-up should be subtle: false eyelashes, nail varnish, false nails, acrylic nails are NOT allowed. Any extreme or inappropriate forms of hairstyles are unacceptable. This includes extreme tinting or dyeing of hair.
Outdoor Coats
Plain coats. The following items are not acceptable: hoodies (zipped or over-the-head style), body warmers, denim jackets, leather jackets, tracksuit tops or any type of fabric that is not purposeful as a winter coat. All outdoor coats must be removed in class.
PE Kit
PE kit all available from Sporting Touch
STM burgundy top (branded and unbranded option), pain unbranded black leggings, 7" plain black cycling shorts, branded black shorts or plain black shorts. Only acceptable shorts are those provided by Sporting Touch.
STM ¼ zip jumper or STM burgundy hoddie.
Appropriate sports footwear without black soles. No converses or pumps.
STM burgundy football socks or plain burgundy socks.
Alternatively, students can wear the branded PE kit if they wish which is available from Sporting Touch. Please click on the following link, to access their website.