St Thomas More Catholic Academy & Sixth Form College

With grace and humility,
glorify the Lord by your life

Report Bullying

There is some very comprehensive advice and information on the Government Website. Please do take the time to read the advice from the government website Advice for Parents on Cyberbullying.


Please use the Bullying Incident Form to report any issues.

Every child has the right to feel safe at school.  Here at St Thomas More Catholic Academy & Sixth Form College we take any form of bullying seriously.  Help us beat the bully by reporting it!

What is bullying?

"A persistent and deliberate attempt to hurt or humiliate someone".

These are some ways people describe bullying:

  • Being called names
  • Fights/Physical attacks (by either the bully or their friends)
  • Having property taken
  • Spreading rumours or gossip (person to person or by social networking sites – Facebook, twitter etc)
  • Receiving offensive/abusive text messages/BBM
  • Internet based sites such as AskFM, Facebook – setting up false profiles, hate being directed at them by others anonymously
  • Abuse because of religion, race, sexuality or disability

Bullying is hurtful behaviour that is repeated over time.

When someone is bullied there is a definite imbalance of power or strength which is used repeatedly to harm and intimidate.

Bullying is an issue that needs to be dealt with by the whole school.  We all have a responsibility to support each other.

Parents, do you know what your child is up to on their phone?

Not sure?

Read this article but as with all on-line newspaper articles please read the comments at the bottom of the page.

What to do if you know someone is being bullied:

Click here to report bullying

Listen and be a friendly ear

  • Tell someone.  Speak to a member of staff
  • Don’t encourage the bully by laughing or smiling.  If the bullying is taking place on a social network site do not comment.  Either take a screen shot or print off if possible.  Show this evidence to school staff
  • Don’t ditch your friend; stand by them
  • Do not intervene.  Do not pick fights with the bullies; tell a member of staff.

Your friend may not want to talk to anyone.  Try and be there for them but do not take on the responsibility of sorting the situation out for them.  If you do not tell anyone the bully has still got the power and they will be winning in the situation.  Please speak to someone on their behalf.

Who can I talk to?

  • Your parents or any one at home
  • Any adult in school who you trust

What to do if you are being bullied

Bullying can happen to anyone, at any age.  Nobody has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself.  If this is happening to you either at school, home or online, tell someone about it.  You may feel scared and alone but you owe it to yourself to try and sort the situation so the bullying stops.


Telling someone about bullying is not grassing; you have the right to feel safe and you should not be silent.  You need to take the power back.

Often people do not tell about bullying because they are worried the bully will find out and things will get worse.  We will ALWAYS deal with any reports sensitively.

Useful Links