St Thomas More Catholic Academy & Sixth Form College

With grace and humility,
glorify the Lord by your life


Our Mission

“As a beacon of Catholic education, our mission is to help students become disciples of Jesus Christ, following His way of love”


At St Thomas More, we support students on their journey of faith as they prepare to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives to serve the common good. 


We develop each child’s academic, emotional and spiritual formation in a climate of respect, challenge and celebration.


We promote a spirit of charity, social justice and compassion for others leading to practical outreach and partnerships. 


We create a culture of tolerance where evryone is recognised and respected as children of God.


We develop partnerships with parents and carers to understand their role as the primary educators in supporting the education and religious formation of every child. 

Academic excellence

We provide outstanding teaching and learning, rigorous monitoring, a varied and adaptable curriculum with a variety of experiences for all the young people in our care.


We seek to continue the work that has been handed on to us by previous generations and to make Catholic Education a beacon of excellence, not just by catechesis and the delivery of a curriculum, but by the formation of disciples following Jesus in His way of Love.



"With grace and humility,
glorify the Lord by your Life"